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Showing posts from February, 2014

Welcome to Christian Romance Snippets

Welcome to CRS - Christian Romance Snippets  Many of you know me as Samantha Lovern, or Samantha Fury. I write under both names and I just love Romance. I wanted to start a blog where I could share samples of some sweet, clean, Romance scenes from some great novels. Of course this is all about learning new authors, and sharing in general. Today we're saying hello. We'll have a Snippet, but don't rush  to read it yet. Take a moment and learn a few things about our new blog. We'll be sharing Romance Covers, and New debuts. We will always give a rating of the snippet.  I don't expect things to ever go above a pg17 around here, but each sample will be rated. We'll post a rating chart on each blog for those that are new each week.  I love romance and can't wait to start.  We'll also post a link to where you can get the novel, and learn more about the author.  We may ask the authors a few questions, but this blog will mostly be about Romance, Ro